- Existential-Phenomenology for the consumer age: the promise and failure of EST – Ernesto Spinelli
- Rollo May, Paul Tillich and Existential Psychotherapy in America – Robert Abzug
- The Tragedy of psychology: Rollo May’s Daimonic and Friedreich Nietzsche’s Dionysian – Keith Hoeller
- The Survival of the Self – Emmy van Deurzen-Smith
- Heidegger and Don Quixote: on the phenomenology of ‘verstehen’ – Alfons Grieder
- An Existential Analysis of the Royal Song of Saraha – Rupert Davis
- The Phenomenology of listening and the importance of silence – Lucia Moja Strasser
- Being onself and Self evidence: W Blankenburg’s thesis on the loss of natural evidence – Lily de Vooght
- Existential phenomenological dimensions of groups – Hans Cohn
- Embodiment – Nicola Diamond
- Breast Cancer: Existential issues on discovery of a breast lump – Carol Carsley
- Another personal approach to Existential supervision – Regina Wright
- Book Reviews