- Scheler, Nietzsche & Social Psychology – Daniel Burston
- The Internalisation of Nietzsche’s Master and Slave Morality – Steve Kirby
- My Eagle’s Nest: An ironic letter from a trainee psychotherapist to Johannes Climacus – Chris Scalzo
- Pyrrhonian Scepticism and Psychotherapy – John M Heaton
- The Utility of Doubt – Karen Weixel-Dixon
- Online Counselling: Some Considerations for Existential-Phenomenological Practitioners – Elaine Kasket ‘Journey ‘within’ Metaphysics: (Distinctions and Separations) – Teresa Corso
- Approaching Existential Psychotherapy – Paul Dean
- The Representation of the Openness of Consciousness in some Current Theories of Human Nature – Peter Ashworth
- The Existential-Phenomenological Paradigm: The Importance for Psychotherapy Integration – Martin Milton, Linda Charles, Dale Judd, Michael o’Brien, Annie Tipney and Amanda Turner
- Martti Siirala on his Eightieth Birthday – Ann-Helen Siirala and Anthony Stadlen
- Essay Review: Martin Heidegger’s Impact on Psychotherapy by Gion Condrau – Anthony Stadlen
- Book Reviews