- Creation and Being: Existential-phenomenological Challenges to Psychoanalytic Theories of Creativity – Ernesto Spinelli
- Hazel E. Barnes Autobiography as an Existential Analytic example of he good life:A students tribute – Betty Cannon
- Everything you ever wanted to know about Heidegger but were afraid to ask your therapist – Darren Woolf
- Letter to the Editors – Anthony Stadlen
- The language of Embodiment – Dariane Pictet
- Is Existential Psychotherapy a Lesbian and Gay affirmative therapy – Martin Milton
- A response to Martin Milton – Harriet Goldenberg
- Death and Dying: Resurrection or Dissolution ? A dialogue in suffering between Frankl and Sartre – Albyn Leah Hall
- The world of the Cancer patient from an Existential perspective – Bo Jacobsen, Stine Dalsgaard Joergensen, and Susanne Eilenberger Joergensen
- Ethics and Practice: Levinas and the Post Modern therapist – Del Lowenthal and Robert Snell
- The Self, Angst and Despair: Can Kierkegaards Thought help our Understanding of Disturbed Adolescents – Roberto Rusca
- Aaron Esterson: an obituary – Anthony Stadlen
- Book Reviews